Serenaded by a fireman and enjoying my found coffee mug in the sun.Charlotte Wood‘s podcasts
Wondering how to get a little rhythm and structures.
A concert at La Muse , raucous gaggle of cockatoos, writing, and watching my neighbour‘s agility.
Learning to project my voice over lawnmowers, enjoying the sun, and writing with online company.
Celebrating the half way point of my quarantine with friendly visits.
Sitting in the sun reading Sky Skimming, contemplating my breakfast bowl (bottom left) and the connections between here and there, then and now.
Day 5 of my quarantine and the sproglet, too, decides to stay enwombed for a while longer.
Moving about but staying within my boundaries, and hunkering down to an online Cave.Louise Ann Wilson‘s Walks to remember during a pandemic
Looking at the sky, enjoying the greenness of my surroundings and thinking how much easier it is to be quarantined than having to negotiate whether, with whom, and how much to have contact with others.
Getting back into the groove: unpacking, fresh rugbrod and Sylvia Martin‘s Sky Swimming.
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