A long crisp walk, a fright, and saying goodbye to the Poet’s Road Banksia.
Dear lovely subscribers ,
In line with new privacy laws I need to ask you whether you wish to continue receiving email notifications for Murmurs of Mole and/or Mole Out Loud from me. If you do please resubscribe to either or both lists here:
Murmurs of Mole
Mole Out Loud
I know Mole’s amenuensis has been burrowing down for quite a while now and has not yet resurfaced. If you resubscribe to Murmurs you will receive mole’s posts again if and when they resurface and/or morph into a different shape. The Murmurs subscription list is a separate entity from the
Mole Out Loud list. This list sends out podcasts five days a week except when I am unplugged (about every sixth week).
The legislation kicks in on Friday 25th May. From then onwards I will only be sending emails out from the new lists of resubscribers.
If you don’t resubscribe via one or both of the links above you will receive no more emails from Mole.
I do hope you will stay with me! Without you, dear fellow burrowers, Mole would never have evolved the way it has.
P.S. Many thanks to those of you have already resubscribed. It is heartening to know I have a robust core of chums out there.
A beautiful day, a satisfying roving Cave, and looking forward to my unplugged week.
IMPORTANT. In order to comply with new privacy legislation I need to confirm that you would like to continue having these pocasts emailed to you. If you would like to receive Mole Out Loud in the future please resubscribe here.